
Friday, May 10, 2013

Five Friday Favorites #5

Happy Friday! Can you believe I actually prepared this post ahead of time, and that I could schedule it to go live Friday morning? Shocking! Anyway, here are a few of the things I'm loving this week...

Favorite cleaning tool: This is probably the most random favorite I've posted yet: it's a crumb brush. I don't like crumbs, and I certainly don't like to clean them... but I love this little hedgehog brush from Crate & Barrel. Isn't he cute?

Favorite windows: I've got a thing for high ceilings and open spaces, and I've got a thing for lots of windows (which is reflected very clearly in our new family room!). I think the windows in this space are particularly stunning!

Favorite bathtub: I also have a thing for baths...and this one is kind of amazing. Although it doesn't look very private, does it? Then again, I think I'd risk the neighbors and general public seeing me bathe if I was doing it there...


Favorite critter treat: I tried making homemade kitty treats with tuna & catnip, and Aria went crazy for these things! Smokey (our pup) tried them too, but was much less impressed - he reluctantly forced it down after he saw how much Aria enjoyed them. Clearly, they're a much tastier treat for those of the feline persuasion. The recipe does make a lot and says they should be used within a week, so next time I think I'll make a smaller batch.


Favorite dessert: I tried this recently for the first time and loved it. Angel food cake mix + crushed pineapple = easy, low guilt deliciousness. I ate it with homemade pineapple 'ice cream' - I'll have to do a post on that creation one of these days!

Have a great weekend! And happy Mother's Day to all of you mommas out there!

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