
Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Friday Favorites #6

Happy Friday! I hope you're having a great week! Here are a few recent favorites...

Favorite closet: Now that I've actually seen the layout of my closet, I've been thinking about how to organize it. I definitely want to add some shelving for shoes....not that it will be anything nearly this impressive, but hey, a girl can dream!

Favorite recipe to try: I've been dying to try this homemade pizza bianca with prosciutto and fig for a while, but somehow still haven't yet. Doesn't it look delicious?


Favorite poolside space: I would be happy to lounge here for quite a while...

Favorite easy update: Doesn't this simple change to your garage make a huge difference? Definitely planning on doing this at our house.

Favorite cocktail: It's been a drinking sort of week for us, so I've got cocktails on the brain. An Ethel O'Connel is a mix of whiskey, Bailey's, and espresso. Yum!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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