
Monday, March 11, 2013

{Recipe} Healthy Crepes with Oats & Yogurt

I've always loved having special breakfasts on the weekend, ever since I was a kid. My mom and I would often make homemade waffles or pancakes or muffins. Now Bryan and I are generally most likely to go pick up bagels, but I've also been making crepes pretty often. I wasn't planning on having any crepes during my DietBet, but decided to experiment with a healthy version. These crepes are low cal, low fat, and high in protein.

Sorry for this sad excuse for food photography. I really just wanted to eat my breakfast.

Ingredients for 2 servings (4 crepes):

  • 1/2 cup oat flour*
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
  • Dash of salt
  • Desired filling (see below for a couple of healthy ideas)
*You can make your own oat flour by sticking rolled oats in a spice or coffee grinder, then grinding until it looks like flour. I just learned this trick from making homemade kitty treats (which my kitty highly recommends, by the way).

Whisk all of the ingredients together, then let the batter sit for a few minutes. (I did not do this, and my first one came out super fragile.)

Heat your pan or griddle over medium high heat. Spray with nonstick cooking spray, then use about 1/4 cup of the batter to make each crepe. Spread the batter around the pan so it's a thin, even coat.

Cook for about two minutes until the bottom is light brown, then flip and cook the other side.

Filling ideas (per crepe): 
  • Heat 1/2 cup of frozen mixed berries in a saucepan with 1 tablespoon of stevia or sweetener of choice. Cook for a few minutes and stir occasionally until it gets a bit syrupy.  
  • Combine 2 tablespoons PB2 with about 1.5 tablespoons of water for a thin peanut butter filling.
I was pleasantly surprised with how these turned out. I'll admit that I'd prefer to have traditional crepes made with butter and oozing with a quadruple serving of Nutella, but these were still a very satisfying weekend breakfast. The nutrition facts shown are for 2 crepes without filling. I had one berry crepe and one PB2 crepe, which resulted in a total of 223 calories, 5g fat, 7g fiber, and 15g protein. Not too shabby!


  1. I love breakfast for dinner! This would be a tasty alternative to bacon and eggs.

    1. Ooh, great idea! Breakfast for dinner is so good!

  2. Thanks for this tips. I love crepes.

    1. Me too! These turned out pretty tasty for a healthy version!


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