
Friday, April 5, 2013

FMS Photo-A-Day March Wrap-up

Three months down in the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge for 2013! March was a great month - our highlights included two little getaways (our WV ski trip and my girls weekend in Austin) and the foundation for our house being poured - yay! My favorite (only?) project of the month was our new return air grille - I'm still loving how it looks! Anyway, like the last couple of months (Jan and Feb), I wanted to do a quick wrap-up of my daily pics along with the list of prompts - here they are!

If you'd like to join, you can view the April list here. And if you'd like to follow me on Instagram, I'm @jdeares

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I wish I could keep up with this. How do you remember to do it? Maybe I should set up an alarm everyday! lol! This is really great though. Thanks for sharing!

    1. haha I definitely don't always remember either - my memory is terrible! I always end up needing to catch up on some later, but have been trying not to get too far behind at least!
