Friday, August 3, 2012

House decision #1: Selecting a model

Ok, my title is lying a little bit. First,we had to select a builder. After doing some online research, we narrowed the builders down to those that build on your own lot, that have standard to models to pick from, and related to that - were in our price range. Based on our Realtor's recommendation, we selected our top three builders to meet with before choosing. We ended up deciding on ANV, mostly because they had so many nice standard features and a lot of great little details included in each of their homes.

Once we had the builder picked out, then we picked our model. Even though ANV has a huge list to choose from, this step was surprisingly easy for us. We wanted a two-story family room, 4 bedrooms, and a master on the 2nd floor. We looked for the cheapest model that met those criteria, and that one looked perfect for us. And the winner was.... the Virginia #278! 

(Although this pic isn't a good representation of what ours will look like. And remember the price is just for the house, not the land - there are no deals that good in the DC metro area!)

1 comment:

  1. (Although this pic isn't a good representation of what ours will look like. And remember the price is just for the house, not the land - there are no deals that good in the DC metro area!)
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