Let's face it: I'm not exactly a model blogger. When am I going to post? What am I going to post? It's anyone's guess (and yours is as good as mine, honestly!). My content's all over the place, and while I do enjoy being a bit random, it would nice to at least occasionally post home-related stuff (which has been hard, since we're still impatiently waiting for that pesky house of ours to
hurry up and get built already!).
To {slightly} help with those issues, I thought it would fun to start posting a series I decided to call
Five Friday Favorites. For one thing, it gives me a regular post to stick to each week. Just one, and it's an easy one...I think I can handle that. For another, I can incorporate some home decor topics here. Not
just home decor... that would be much too consistent for me... but definitely some favorite looks for around the house, and whatever else I might be fancying lately - DIY, food, fashion, travel, pet stuff, whatever. I had a lot of fun picking out my first set, and it was hard to limit it to just five things, so I'm definitely excited about continuing this in the future!
So here goes, five favorites for this fabulous Friday...
Favorite bold decor move: Black paint. I love the rich feel that black paint brings to a room. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to put it in a large living space, but I think I may go for it in our new powder room.